Welcome to Program Innovation! Below, you will find the first workshop module of the program. Sign up here to get a mini program by email where you receive a series of short messages over the next couple of weeks related to this first workshop and getting started with innovation.
You can use this video workshop to get more familiar with the innovation system. Also, you can do the activities of this workshop together as a team and discuss your “innovation for what” together. If you need more, just email me at [email protected] to discuss customizing and launching an innovation initiative within your institution. This is just the first module.
Workshop 1 of 10: The Innovation Process
Innovation isn’t creativity…or just coming up with novel ideas. Innovation is taking those new and creative ideas and successfully implementing them for a positive effect. This first workshop video will help you understand the innovation process so that you can work on a challenge important to you and your organization. You will focus on your “innovation for what” and be prepared to systematically develop new ideas that can have a positive impact when you launch them. You will begin by visualizing a positive image of the future so you can respond to change with innovation.
Download Module 1 Activity Sheet PDFs.
Read articles related to Module 1 here.
Innovation Skills
Research shows that innovation skills are among the most sought-after competencies in employees. These skills related to creativity, communication, and problem solving are most needed by society. As a result of participating in this collaborative program with others, we help you zero in on cultivating those skills.
Here is a clip of the innovation circle activities we did where we got “hands on” with the key innovation skills and created, collaborated, and communicated our concept. Remember what you did? Be sure to stay in collaboration action with your team about your challenge!
Want to access the rest of the program or bring it to your group? Email me at [email protected], and we can develop a customized program together or get you started with the 10 Program Innovation workshops.
Program Innovation Workshops
Workshop 1: The Innovation Process
Workshop 2: Innovation Skills
Workshop 3: Your Innovation Challenge
Workshop 4: Innovation Questions for Idea Capture
Workshop 5: Structured Ideation
Workshop 6: Innovative Idea Generation
Workshop 7: Idea Analysis & Synthesis
Workshop 8: Concept Development
Workshop 9: Test and Select
Workshop 10: Communicate and Advance
Contact Darin at [email protected] to learn how you can launch an innovative program within your unit. Network with Darin at the sites below.