Program Pricing

Special Pricing: Buy the individual version of the program for yourself for only $197. We will email you a link for the page to access the 10 videos and materials within about 24 hours.

Program Innovation is a higher education experience designed to facilitate groups and institutions through the idea development process by systematically tackling a challenge relevant to you. Together, we will identify areas for innovation, learn the process and system, and discuss how to best innovate within your organization. Through the duration of the program, I will show you a real project I’m working on (helping an institution learn and do innovation), results for each activity every step of the way, and the ideas I’m developing that you can use too.

Included Workshops:
Workshop 1: The Innovation Process
Workshop 2: Innovation Skills
Workshop 3: Your Innovation Challenge
Workshop 4: Innovation Questions for Idea Capture
Workshop 5: Structured Ideation
Workshop 6: Innovative Idea Generation
Workshop 7: Idea Analysis & Synthesis
Workshop 8: Concept Development
Workshop 9: Test and Select
Workshop 10: Communicate and Advance

Need more information?
Sign up here for complimentary access to the first module of the Innovation Program, additional resources and video clip of a live event in action.

Contact [email protected] for more information about customizing and structuring your own program. We can share ideas for delivery options and live events to deepen the effect in helping people learn and do innovation for their challenge.

*See a showcase example here.

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