2009 National Leadership Symposium: Leadership in a Global Context

The National Leadership Symposium is one of my favorite small conferences for leadership educators. Here is the key information for the July 9-12 2009 Conference at University of Richmond from the NCLP website:

Now in its 19th year, the National Leadership Symposium is a professional development experience designed for faculty members, student affairs professionals and other education practitioners involved with promoting college student leadership education.

The National Leadership Symposium is a joint program coordinated by the National Association for Campus Activities (NACA) and the National Clearinghouse for Leadership Programs (NCLP). Given the intense learning environment of the Symposium (included required reading prior to attending) it is advised that participants have significant professional experience in leadership education. Registration is limited to 50 people.

This year’s symposium will explore the meaning of leadership in a global context. According to many practitioners and scholars global leadership is an emerging field that seeks to understand and explain the impact of globalization processes on leadership. Our scholar authors will provide theoretical frameworks and practical considerations for this exploration. They will also provide thoughtful discourse and perspectives on what it means to prepare students for a global society. Participants will engage in rich dialogue and examine the intentional development of programs that can support students’ understanding of the emerging language, style and practice of leadership, which fully values and takes into account an international viewpoint. The concept of cultures interrelatedness and interdependence will be discussed as these connections relate to the establishment of global priorities and mobilization toward purposeful action.

Learning objectives of the 2009 Symposium include:

    * Understand the qualities and attribute of global leaders.
    * Identify key competencies and concrete experiences that influence global leadership development.
    * Acknowledge the distinct differences of Western Cultural approaches to leadership within the global context.
    * Consider the intersection of Western Culture and the global perspective
    * Provide participants with a foundation to support students in making meaning of what leadership signifies in a global context.
    * Creation of a network of practitioners, educators and scholars that explores and informs a current understanding of leadership in a global context.

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